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About us

The contemporary history of this brand reflects its distant origins, aiming at the creation of a product that has already become an authentic fashion myth.

The brand, born in Italy in 2015, quickly manages to draw attention to itself, revolutionizing the normal and classic vision of denim, making it a comfortable and very sexy garment, without excess.

Silvano Imparato is at the helm of this booming manufacturing pearl, in the role of creative director. Qorleon strengths are creativity and personality. Each garment tells a different story, each pant is a path of authenticity, certifiable to the touch and sight of those who know it.


Selvedge’ is the name for the higher-quality, harder-to-produce type of denim that is typically sold and worn unwashed.

You can spot it on the cuffs of jeans. The selvedge in denim is usually white and often has a coloured yarn in the middle. If that yarn is red, it’s called ‘redline’ selvedge, which you can read more about here.

This technical term actually ought to be spelled ‘self-edge.’ The term refers to the self-finished edges on each side of fabric woven on shuttle looms. These edges don’t fray or unravel.

There are two ways to weave denim: with or without a shuttle. Weaving with a shuttle is the old school way.

Qorleon Selvedge Denim is authentic and totally faithful to the tradition of this fabric.

The shuttle is essential; it threads the weft through the warp shed. As the weft is continuously passed back and forth, the edges of the fabric are self-finished, which is why it’s called ‘selvedge.’

Qorleon quickly manages to draw attention to itself, revolutionizing the normal and classic vision of denim, making it a comfortable and very sexy garment, without excess.

About Our Products

Why you shoud choose our product?

Our Selvedge fabrics are woven on vintage American Draper X-3 model looms dating from the 1940’s. And Japanese Toyoda shuttle looms.

In addition to weaving on old looms, we are using yarns with ‘homespun’ character to mimic the inconsistency of the yarns available in the early days due to the yarn-spinning technology used at that time.

Strong, Medium Weight and Darker Indigo

The denim for overall garments was designed to be strong,medium weight and a darker indigo cast, these were the attributes that were the most desirable for workers.


"At the end of the day, it's only a pair of jeans" is a quote we completely disagree.

Knowing what it takes to create even one pair of denim jeans, one pair of top quality blue jeans is beyond that of the average garment. Someone who is into a great pair of jeans might be willing to pay what it would cost to buy a custom made suit.

Purest Wearable Form of Self-Expression.

After wearing thry will bear the markings of life, the shapes of our bodies, the memories of our adventures.

Vintage Clothing

We have a throwback collection inspired by the iconic looks of bygone years, updated with a modern twist.

Dedicated to recreating the fits, fabrics and details of previous generations, every item is an archival reproduction of the looks loved the most.

Produced in Japan and USA

Qorleon Selvedge Denims fabrics are produced in Kojima,Japan and Greensboro NC, USA.



Qorleon Selvedge Denim is authentic and totally faithful to the tradition of this fabric. Our suppliers still enjoy looking for old looms with which they try to reproduce old twills and yarns that are no longer used in the modern commercial market.

We produce Qorleon fabrics of every species and type with real contents, rigorous modeling with various fits a choice that goes against the market trend, with an authentic and also original result. We do not follow market logic, we do what we like by exposing ourselves to risks with rigorous but wearable collections that over time are giving us satisfaction.

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